Items That Are Made from Recycled Cars
Let’s learn about some items made using recycled parts of old cars
Let’s learn about some items made using recycled parts of old cars
Here are some ways you can utilize other modes of transport and help the environment
Here’s what to do with your car before you call the junkyard
Part of owning a car means having to change its tires at least once or twice every few months. If you’ve got some old tires stacked up in the basement, bring them out and try these fun recycling projects.
With the growing awareness of eco-friendly and sustainable alternatives, we are often reminded about the benefits of recycling, reusing, and repurposing items such as shoes, bags, books, and even appliances.
When it comes to automobiles, most Americans have never-ending love affairs with their first cars. These vehicles hold sentimental value for some people, while others might not see the reason to give them away. However, let’s put things into perspective: if you’re paying insurance for a vehicle that’s heavy on your pockets, it’s time to …
4 Sure Signs It’s Time to Part Ways with Your Car Read More »
Is your vintage car just old at this point instead of vintage? If so, it might be time to discard it and make some room in your garage for a new ride.
Are you one of those people who love their old car as much as they love their spouse? Or maybe even more? You talk about it like it’s a person, and if somebody asks you to let go of it, nostalgia hits you right in the face. The thought of your beloved car ending up in a junkyard is painful. That’s understandable! And you’re not alone. A car is not just a financial investment; it is a huge emotional investment as well.
All of us have seen junkyards with so many old cars just rotting there. Have you ever wondered if there were some creative ways to repurpose parts from those old cars into something new, beautiful, and useful?
How often do you think about your inoperative scrap car sitting idly on your property? We’re guessing not as often as you should be. Research has shown that vehicle recycling is the 16th largest industry in the U.S., predicted to be at $25 billion annually.